Basic Dog Agility Equipment

Filed under Dog Agility

dog-agilityThere are many different types of dog agility equipment that may be part of an agility course.  The obstacles that you use may depend on a competition or whatever you happen to want to put in your backyard.   However, it helps to know what items are commonly used in this type of training, so you know what to build or select when purchasing objects from a store.

The following is common dog agility equipment used in the sport:

Jumps – These are available in a variety of forms and sizes, such as:

  • Tire jumps – A tire is suspended and the canine must clear it by leaping through. Read more

The Importance Of Basic Dog Commands

dog trainingBasic dog commands are essential to every canine’s education.  Even if they learn nothing else, fundamental obedience is required to give you control, provide them with direction and to teach them that you are the pack leader.  A canine that lacks this type of training can develop serious behavioural problems, such as possessiveness of objects, food and people and aggression.  An untrained pet will not listen to you and can cause serious problems within your home and in public.

What are basic dog commands?  Read more

Understanding Basic Dog Agility

Filed under Dog Agility

Basic dog agility is something that both you and your dog can take pleasure in for fun on your own time or as a competitive sport.  Regardless of how you enjoy it, however, it is important that you understand a few things about this activity before you decide it is a good choice for your pet.

What is basic dog agility?  Read more

Stop Dog Jumping Up On People

You can teach your dog to stop jumping up on people if this is a behavioral problem he has developed.  However, before you begin to rid him of this issue you first need to think about when and how it started.  For instance, did you allow or encourage your puppy to jump up when they greeted you or when you played?  Although you’re intentions might not have been to make your pup think that jumping up is acceptable, this is exactly what has happened.

Knowing why your pooch jumps is the first step because it makes you aware of the roll you’ve played in his development of this behavior.  Your awareness will prevent you from continuing to encourage the action.  The second step is to do something constructive to deter the problem.  This is achieved by making it clear Read more

How To Stop Common Dog Problems

dog barkingIf you are experiencing problems with your pet you probably want stop common dog problems.  Canine behavioral issues, such as aggression, excessive barking, biting, chewing, jumping up, etc., can be very annoying, destructive and even dangerous.  These bad habits can create a very unpleasant pooch that is disliked by your visitors and neighbors and can make your home life a misery.

The best way to stop common dog problems is to prevent Read more

Get Your Dog To Stay Off Furniture, Counters, Etc

Do you want your dog to stay off furniture, stay off counters, your bed or other items in your home?  If so, you’ll be pleased to know that this is something you can accomplish.  However, since your pooch has already become accustomed to this habit, it will take time, patience and constant observation to achieve your goal.  Furthermore, when teaching your pet that you don’t want him on certain objects you need to know that there is a difference between down and off commands.

To teach a pooch what is acceptable behavior and stay off furniture, you need to realize that “Down” and “Off” are not the same and cannot nor should not be used interchangeablyRead more

How To Get Your Dog To Leave Items Alone And Stop Stealing

Unless you make it clear to your dog to leave items alone he will think that everything in your home is his and everything he comes across that interests him when he is outside or anywhere else is his for the taking.   Hence, if you are having a problem with your pooch that has a habit of grabbing things that are not his or you don’t want him to have (I.E. picking up garbage on a walk), you need to train him to stop stealing.

Ridding him of this unwanted behavior helps to ensure your stuff doesn’t get destroyed, can deter territorial behavior and keeps your pal safe from chewing/ingesting harmful substances or objects.  How can you have him obey and leave items alone?  It’s actually not a difficult process and you only need a few things for training to be a success:

  • The command “Leave It”
  • A clicker if you use clicker training
  • A few treats Read more

Walking A Dog To Heel

dog walkingWalking a dog to heel is advanced training that results in a dog everyone wants to walk, greet and admire.  Having control over your pooch while you are out and about makes your experience enjoyable, un-stressful and what you want it to be.  It takes patience, practice and constant coaching for your pet to comprehend and obey this obedience command, so take your time and stay positive.  Here we go!

Step 1 – In order to teach walking to heel you require a means of control over your animal.  Your companion must respect your leadership because this technique takes focus and it is essential that you Read more

How To Stop Dog Pulling On A Leash

If you want your dog to stop pulling on a leash because it is causing you grief, such as you’re hurting your arm/hand, he’s jumping up on people, rushing toward other dogs, etc. you can train him to stop hauling you forward using a few simple techniques.

Step 1 – Don’t continue walking if the lead is tight.  When you are walking your pooch immediately stop when he is about to apply any tension to the lead.  Halt completely in your tracks and stand your ground.  Read more

Recall Training – Teach Your Dog To Come Every Time You Call

Recall training is a about giving acommand to a dog so he will come to you when you call him.  It is advanced training that your pet should learn.  Here are the steps you need to take to effectively teach him this skill:

Step 1
– Take your dog’s favorite small food – and a clicker device if you use this training technique – into a quiet room with few distractions.  You’ll want to make sure that the space you choose is large enough so that you can take several steps away Read more

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